After Upgrading Spark 3.9.3 and restore old SQL Database to it conference is not working

Hi All,

Previously we were using Openfire 3.7 and SQL 2008 in a same server which has some hardware limitation.We used this server more than two users with no issue.

But due to some hardware issue we need to replace that server so I prepared new server with Openfire 3.9.3 and SQL 2008.I then restored old SQL backup to it and I thought all good.

I just replace new server IP to old one so that spark clients does not have to do to much.All seems good one first but now I getting complains that users can not join existing conference.They create new conference but even can not join new conference,They are getting No response from server error.

One more issue is users can not find all online users.User is online but when I searched it on spark I did not find it.

Can you please help me.
