Android Client not able to recive File if it has already send a file

I have posted this question in the openfire discussion forum…

But i think is issue is with the implementation of asmack File Transfer so i am posting it here…

The Issue I am facing is that:

let Client **A **sends a file to client B. Client B receives what client A send.

Now, if client B or client C sends any files to client A, client A is not able to receive Files. But client B can send a file to client C.

The isuue is if the android client sends a file then the client is not able to recive file…
Please Guide me with the implementation of file transfer…
I am using asmack-2010.05.07.jar and openfire3.9.3

The Implementation and the error log are in these posts so iam not rewritting it here…

and -file-first-with-asmack-and-openfire

Thanks in advance for your help…