Answering "list-multi" fields

For my thesis I am using Ad-Hoc commands with the Smack Library. I have executed an AdhoCommand and received a Form to fill out as a response. One of the fields is of the type “list-multi” which cannot be filled out with the usual setAnswer-method, since only

“text_multi, text_private, text_single, jid_single & hidden” are supported field typed for this method.

How can I properly fill out this field of type “list-multi” with one of the options?

How can I properly fill out this field of type “list-multi” with one of the options?
Should be Form.setAnswer(String, List). Or am I missing something?

Say hi to Istvan and Dominik from me if possible.

Hi Florian,

I will send them your greetings! Actually István is my advisorf for the thesis.

However, this form is not of type “submit” but of type “form”, therefore I cannot use that method. I should note, that is question was asked before on here, but there were no answers: dataforms: variables of type ‘list-multi’



Edit: I think I found the error, I had to retrieve the new form to submit by using the method createAnswerForm(). Thank you!

What can be done to improve the API?