Are XML based system properties supported with openfire XML?


I was trying to configure the inverse plugin with a system property, and I can do that successfully through the admin console (which promptly writes back to the database under ofproperty). I was trying to do this as part of a base image (preconfigured) and was trying to configure this in the XML so that upon startup the property could be migrated to the database by openfire as per this block under the configuration file:

This file stores bootstrap properties needed by Openfire.
Property names must be in the format: ""
That will be stored as:

Is this still supported? Configuring the DB directly does work but seeking clarity on the XML configuration.


Based on Openfire/ at main · igniterealtime/Openfire · GitHub or Openfire/ at main · igniterealtime/Openfire · GitHub it appears that these are only invoked for known properties.

For plugins maybe the plugin should own migrating properties on initialize?

For instance for inverse - any XML properties could be migrated to the database under openfire-inverse-plugin/ at main · igniterealtime/openfire-inverse-plugin · GitHub
