As3crypto source

From what I’ve read in this discussion group, the as3crypto.swc that’s included with the xiff download seems to have been branched and patched quite a bit from the original on Google Code. I can only find the .swc file in the download and in svn for XIFF. Is the source available somewhere here? Thanks.


Originally added 2010-02-25, via

Then patched via

Fix for as3crypto issue 22: flex2.compiler.as3.SignatureExtension.SignatureGenerationFailed when compiling com.hurlant.crypto.symmetric.AESKey

Fix for as3crypto compile error: A file found in a source-path ‘pkcs9unstructuredString’ must have the same name as the class definition inside the file ‘universalString’.

Fix for as3crypto issue 25: TLSSocket “pure virtual function call”

Added an issue for explaining 3rd party libs

There are definitely a lot more differences/additions than the couple of minor issues you have listed here. I decompiled the xiff .swc and found quite a few more classes in the xiff version of as3cypto than in the original version. Unfortunately I can’t quite get the decompiled version to compile back. Looks like the decompiler generated a few lines of syntactically incorrect code, but I’m not quite sure what the problem is yet.

Note the xiff version of as3cypto works fine for me. I just need to be able to reproduce it myself from source.

Will the source for this customized version of as3crypto be released in svn in 3.2?


In that case, could it be this?

I could not find any reference to it from SVN log, but it is mentioned in these forums…

Yeap, that’s it. Like you, I found a link to it in another post. So far, it seems to work.


Just updated the SVN version to match the one in Github.

Excellent! Thanks again.


if you are going to use xiff+as3crypto on iOS device for TLS connection you should apply a patch from upstream issue list to as3-crypto fork by tim kurvers

Nice catch,

Could you open an issue at for that?

Talked earlier about including this patch with Tim Kurvers… but it seems that root cause for this is a bug in AIR SDK, and may have been fixed in version 3.3.

Here are some links about the bug: packager-for-ios

We have been testing with this version ( on our internal LAN ever since I found it, but when I take it out to the internet and test with, say, Google talk, it doesn’t work. The only way I can get it to work with Google talk is with the as3crypto.swc that was included with the nightly builds. So I’m thinking that .swc included with your distribution was not compiled with the Kurvers version you referenced. I even tried going back to the 1.3a Kurvers version in case a bug was introduced in 1.4.0 that he has as his latest.

So you may have replaced the as3crypt.swc you already had with a less patched version when you updated your Subversion at revision 13288 with the Kurves build. I cannot find any more update to date source code versions though, so I was thinking you may have one internally.