Asmack - problem with PubSub extension

Hi there,

I started a discussion some time ago about creating a XMPP client in android:

I decided to create my client using Asmack library. I success in connecting to the server, and sending my presence status.

However, when I started using the PubSub extension I get some errors. I always get an XMPP error “item-not-found(404)” when I try to get a node that exists.

I’m sure that the node exists because I am also using Smack library in a Java Desktop application and the same code works fine.

Can someone help me?
It seems like PubSub in Asmack is not working fine. Is there a fix?

Moreover, do you know how to active debug smack in android? It would be useful to see the message exchanges in xml.

Thank you in advance,

João Prudêncio

You may have more success simply using Smack as many others have (I believe).

To my knowledge, asmack is not being maintained, and it is not an Igniterealtime product so your success in getting help on this forum may be limited.

That being said, you may want to post more information about the error, and packet exchange for help in debugging.