Asmack4.0.0-rc1 and later version run crash

I build with Eclipse added asmack 4.0.4 and dnsjava2.0.1, compile success, but crash when running in android pad. The error is: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackAndroid. If I replace with asmack0.8.10, it work well. Please give me some advise, thank you!

Try a clean build and ensure that SmackAndroid is within the classpath.

I have add into build path.



My code is:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

private WaitingDialog mDlg = null;


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {




//PPConnection.DEBUG_ENABLED = true;

AccountManager accountManager;

final ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration(

“”, Integer.parseInt(“5222”), “localhost”);

When run to SmackAndroid.init(this); the app crash in android phone.


I can not understand why asmack0.8.10.jar can work well in my phone.

I copy the jar file to libs foder of Android project. If I replace 0.8.10 version, it can run well. Only 4.0.0-rc1 and later have problem. My code in Activity is just one line:


The reason is the version of ADT. After updating latest version 23.0.2, asmack 4 work ok.