Hello, many years ago I mounted spark on a pbx distro with Asterisk and Openfire and I remember it worked very well because you could see if someone was using the phone or not, I even think I got to test calling from the same Spark, but today I can not find anything, I have tried to integrate Openfire with Asterisk and with negative results.
Is all this still operational or is it mission impossible?
Maybe you can tell us!
A couple of years ago, there was an effort to update the plugin. It was at least somewhat functional. I never did get confirmation if it was fully functional.
You can find the plugin release the resulted from that effort here: Release v2.0.0 · igniterealtime/asterisk-im · GitHub
I’m interested in any feedback that you might have!
Thanks guus, i’m out many weeks and forum not works i read now, please can you tell me a little bit about how to install it? its a software to install in client ??? i remember config a plugin in openfire server and link to asterisk…
I’m sorry, I’m not familiar enough to guide you with an Asterisk setup. That’s one of the primary reasons why the development of this particular integration has been so slow in the first place.
i follow this guide → Openfire - Instalacion y Configuracion del plugin Asterisk-IM | VozToVoice , i think this is the guide i read many years ago, and now not works, if you want can i send you pm with error logs
I view inside openfire logs the states of calls an sip devices, call, hangs, etc… but in spark client can not view phone state users, the server asterisk not view green state but in console of asterisk view connect the user openfire manager inside asterisk, i put client.jar inside /program files/plugins same the rest plugins but i not view how to install
What do you need ???
I currently do not have the resources available to be able to support this, sorry.
It’s a pity, because it seems to work, openfire sees asterisk and the logs it generates but something is missing, I’m sure it’s something silly but I have no knowledge of spark or openfire.
please, can you send me any info about that ?? manual, screenshots, etc… ???
The integration with the Asterisk IM plugin is currently missing in the latest version of Spark 3.0.2.
Some lines of code had to be commented out when PhonePlugin was not ported to Maven.
You may try with Spark 2.8.3, released January 29, 2017, which you can download from here.
The XMPP protocol extension for phone (Asterisk) and instant messaging integration is described in the Asterisk IM plugin documentation.