Audio Video Conferencing

Hello Everyone,

We are using Openfire 3.9.2. We are looking for some Audio Video Conferencing solution. Do we have any plugin which will help us to achieve our requirement. If it work with spark desktop client then it will be great feature.



We Are using jitsi videobridge - works like a charm.

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Use jitsi videobridge, ideally run on latest openfire. Check out for jitsi within the community

You can use it & test at

OF 3.9.3 / jitsi 1.3.1

++ hope this helps

The problem of Jitsi is that it is only compatible with the Google Chrome browser. You know some other solutions that also work in Firefox ?

Unfortunately i do not know of any other plugin.
the jitsi ( IM client, and we use audio/video screen sharing etc. Hope that could be an option for you.

But we run it with