First let me thank for the great work on the redfire plugin.
After playing arround with the plugin most things works very fine, but I am a little annoyed about the ability to add a “conference” from everywhere.
So if you call http://redfire.server.xx:7070/redfire the example pages shows up and every one can play with 2Way audion/video and so on. In a Intranet Environment I think this will not an big issue. But if the server is part of the Internet…
To my questions:
Is it possible to use the auth cookie (or what ever) from the openfire server? And how could I do this?
I am not very familiar with the tomcat, but is it possible to use plain HTTP Auth? Could someone post a best practice for this?
Will there a compatibilty problem if this is enabled? ( I think so because of Spark Plugin)
I hope someone can help me about this - Thank you!