Auto-enabling sharing group in roasters in LDAP

I have installed some time ago JIM in my company, and all users are validated against Active Directory. Before, I created groups manually.

I have installed JIM 2.2.0 and now I see all AD groups in the admin web page, but I have manually to enable the sharing groups in roasters. Is there any way to do this automatically? Now I have doi it yet, but for new instrallations it could be very useful. It could be too an option in the configuration file. For example, if the administrator want to enable the shared groups, and the way to activate (in all users’’ rosters, in group members’’ rosters or in certain members). The name of the shared group could be the same as the group.

I would like to have this option as well. Then there would be no need to login to the JM AC in order to add new groups – it could all be done through LDAP administration.