Auto Startup on Reboot for OpenFire in Windows

I would like to know how to make OpenFire auto start in Windows. How do i do that and exactly which files would it entail? Just openfire.exe, or are there service files and other files as well that need to start? Thanks.

You just have to install the service. Open up a command prompt and go to the /bin directory of the installation (ex. C:\Program Files\Openfire\bin) and type: openfire-service /install

Now the server should start on reboot without even requiring any user to log in.

There’s a few other commands you can use too: (taken from the documentation)

  • openfire-service /install – installs the service.
  • openfire-service /uninstall – uninstalls the service.
  • openfire-service /start – starts the service
  • openfire-service /stop – stops the service.