Automated Install of Spark 2.5.8

Hello All,

Im trying to build a automated installation of Spark 2.5.8 that includes the server address so all the users have to do after installtion would be to enter their username and password.



Do you mean to make server selection not available and always the same server (hardcoded value). Then you will have to edit the source and compile your custom version. You will have to search for file in the source and edit HOST_NAME = value. Usually it’s empty. You will put your server there, compile your custom Spark version and it will be the same and users won’t be able to change it.

No I meant. I wanted to build a msi that would automatically install Spark on a users computer with the server address already populated. I will be using sccm to deploy to my company.

Then you should search for MSI packaging tool (like Advanced Installer maybe). As about server. It’s stored in the C:\Documents and Settings\User\Spark\ file. You can try copying stripped down file (without user and password) with the server value in it to every user’s profile dir. Then, after they launch Spark they would have to enter username and password.