BackUp das conversas do SPARK

Bom dia, Pessoal!

Estou com um problema no SPARK. Recentemente precisei mudar meu servidor do Openfire. Ele estava em um servidor do Windows( windows server 2012) e mudei para o linux centos7. Agora preciso saber se existe alguma forma de exportar as conversas do SPARK. Eu uso um banco de dados interno com LDAP. Esta sendo gravado através do plugin monitoring service.


There is no easy way of doing this, especially when using the internal database, as it is just a text file. I guess you can try copying information from old database to new one. Can’t say what to copy. Or maybe you can just use old database instead of creating new one on centos. This is just a text file that you can copy to a new server (/openfire/embedded-db/).