Beat a dead "Re: Real-time updates for LDAP groups" horse 8^)

Hi all. I finally got my clients authenticating with LDAP (Thanks a million Matt!) and even got the groups figured out and BANG… There I was in this thread trying to figure out why my groups wouldn’'t populate unless I rebooted the server. I was really excited to find out what the answer was to the issue. Each new posting was more exciting than the next, like a really good novel and then…

cetera desunt…

If it helps, I can share my debug logs as well, but the AD that I connect to is not my own, and do not have the ability to make it available to the outside world. It would really be nice to get beyond this, Jive is definitely one of the nicer Jabber Servers.

As an afterthought:

I noticed that the JM console shows the appropriate Real-Time status information for users. When I set user1 status away and refresh the page the status shows away and vis-a-vis.


Enable ldap debug and then post your debug logs. I have found that the errors are not consistant between different users. But maybe your debug logs will be consistant with others.


Here is what I’'ve got. I cleared out the Debug log, logged on as 2 seperate users, changed status for each user, then copied the log.

2005.08.18 15:42:52 Logging off jtester@usbou1-sjabber3/Psi on socket: 1d4d493[SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: Socket[addr=/,port=4273,localport=5223]] session: org.jivesoftware.messenger.ClientSession@7fc8b2 status: 3 address: jtester@usbou1-sjabber3/Psi id: 5bf29524 presence:

2005.08.18 15:43:13 SSL Connect 515263[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=4991,localport=5223]]

2005.08.18 15:43:13 Trying to find a user’'s DN based on their username. sAMAccountName: adaughterson, Base DN: OU=Micro Motion,DC=na,DC=emersonprocess,DC=com…

2005.08.18 15:43:13 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.18 15:43:13 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.18 15:43:13 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.18 15:43:13 Starting LDAP search…

2005.08.18 15:43:13 … search finished

2005.08.18 15:43:13 In LdapManager.checkAuthentication(userDN, password), userDN is: CN=Daughterson, Adam,OU=IT,OU=Users…

2005.08.18 15:43:13 Created context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.18 15:43:13 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.18 15:43:19 SSL Connect 4b11e9[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=4968,localport=5223]]

2005.08.18 15:43:21 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.18 15:43:22 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.18 15:43:23 Trying to find a user’'s DN based on their username. sAMAccountName: jtester, Base DN: OU=Micro Motion,DC=na,DC=emersonprocess,DC=com…

2005.08.18 15:43:23 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.18 15:43:23 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.18 15:43:23 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.18 15:43:23 Starting LDAP search…

2005.08.18 15:43:23 … search finished

2005.08.18 15:43:23 In LdapManager.checkAuthentication(userDN, password), userDN is: CN=Tester, Jabber,OU=Users…

2005.08.18 15:43:23 Created context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.18 15:43:23 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.18 15:43:23 OS - Trying to connect to

Hope this helps!


Do you have ldap debug enabled? It is the property ldap.debug in the XML file. You can enable it like this:

Oops! Sorry about that. I enabled it, restarted the server, cleared all the logs, then made my two accounts log in and out, and change status.

Here is the Debug Log:

2005.08.19 06:57:34 Trying to find a user’'s DN based on their username. sAMAccountName: adaughterson, Base DN: OU=Micro Motion,DC=na,DC=emersonprocess,DC=com…

2005.08.19 06:57:34 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.19 06:57:34 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 06:57:34 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 06:57:34 Starting LDAP search…

2005.08.19 06:57:34 … search finished

2005.08.19 06:57:34 In LdapManager.checkAuthentication(userDN, password), userDN is: CN=Daughterson, Adam,OU=IT,OU=Users…

2005.08.19 06:57:34 Created context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 06:57:34 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:03:39 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.19 07:03:39 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.19 07:03:39 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.19 07:03:40 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.19 07:03:40 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.19 07:03:40 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.19 07:03:40 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.19 07:03:41 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.19 07:14:08 SSL Connect 19cd5f5[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=1201,localport=5223]]

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Trying to find a user’'s DN based on their username. sAMAccountName: adaughterson, Base DN: OU=Micro Motion,DC=na,DC=emersonprocess,DC=com…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Starting LDAP search…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 … search finished

2005.08.19 07:14:08 In LdapManager.checkAuthentication(userDN, password), userDN is: CN=Daughterson, Adam,OU=IT,OU=Users…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Created context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Trying to find all groups in the system.

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Starting LDAP search…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Using groupSearchFilter: (&(member=*)(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=USBOU1-JABBER))

2005.08.19 07:14:08 … search finished

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Starting to populate groups with users.

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:14:08 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Adding group “USBOU1-JABBER” with 7 members.

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Finished populating group(s) with users.

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Trying to find a user’'s DN based on their username. sAMAccountName: adaughterson, Base DN: OU=Micro Motion,DC=na,DC=emersonprocess,DC=com…

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:14:09 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Starting LDAP search…

2005.08.19 07:14:09 … search finished

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Trying to find all groups in the system.

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:14:09 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Starting LDAP search…

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Using groupSearchFilter: (&(member=CN=Daughterson, Adam,OU=IT,OU=Users,OU=Micro Motion,DC=na,DC=emersonprocess,DC=com)(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=USBOU1 -JABBER))

2005.08.19 07:14:09 … search finished

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Starting to populate groups with users.

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:14:09 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:14:09 Finished populating group(s) with users.

2005.08.19 07:23:01 Logging off jtester@usbou1-sjabber3/Psi on socket: 893969[SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: Socket[addr=/,port=2627,localport=5223]] session: org.jivesoftware.messenger.ClientSession@14b74a7 status: 3 address: jtester@usbou1-sjabber3/Psi id: 36eb6490 presence:

2005.08.19 07:23:19 SSL Connect 70c38c[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=1292,localport=5223]]

2005.08.19 07:23:20 Trying to find a user’'s DN based on their username. sAMAccountName: adaughterson, Base DN: OU=Micro Motion,DC=na,DC=emersonprocess,DC=com…

2005.08.19 07:23:20 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.19 07:23:20 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:23:20 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:23:20 Starting LDAP search…

2005.08.19 07:23:20 … search finished

2005.08.19 07:23:20 In LdapManager.checkAuthentication(userDN, password), userDN is: CN=Daughterson, Adam,OU=IT,OU=Users…

2005.08.19 07:23:20 Created context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:23:20 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:23:27 SSL Connect 39be68[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=2833,localport=5223]]

2005.08.19 07:23:29 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.19 07:23:30 OS - Trying to connect to

2005.08.19 07:23:30 Trying to find a user’'s DN based on their username. sAMAccountName: jtester, Base DN: OU=Micro Motion,DC=na,DC=emersonprocess,DC=com…

2005.08.19 07:23:30 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

2005.08.19 07:23:30 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:23:30 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:23:30 Starting LDAP search…

2005.08.19 07:23:30 … search finished

2005.08.19 07:23:30 In LdapManager.checkAuthentication(userDN, password), userDN is: CN=Tester, Jabber,OU=Users…

2005.08.19 07:23:30 Created context values, attempting to create context…

2005.08.19 07:23:30 … context created successfully, returning.

2005.08.19 07:23:30 OS - Trying to connect to

From the debug log it looks like you are dealing with one group with seven members. Is this correct? PM me you email address so we can discuss this further.
