Beta 2.6.0 beta2

There’s a small glitch in the Preferences window in which it doesn’t snap to full size automatically. It does not show the Apply/Save/Close buttons at the bottom unless I drag the window down further.

Also, I have created custom clients with version 2.5.8, but with this beta I cannot remove the Plugins menu item from the Spark/Preferences dialog.

I have the code commented out in the file, but it’s still there upon execution…?? Obviuously I’m missing something there… :slight_smile:

Thanks for a fun product.

BTW, one nice feature would be for the DND

I get the same bug in the preferences window.

I have reported Preferences glitch while back in my Spark SVN thread. It was introduced when time stamp settings were added to Preferences. WinSrev has promised to take a look at all small glitches reported in that thread after Beta 2 was released. Should be a trivial fix.

Though, to me, Java code is such a mystery… I’m not a programmer, though i had programming disciplines at university, but i hadnt uderstand how to find the things i want to change in Spark source code (with Netbeans).

The prefences window should be a small fix by just changing the opening size of it, i’ll put that on my todo list and also not sure how to remove the plugins box off the top of my head but i’m sure it’ll be in there somewhere, just keep looking

Hey Wroot, I’m also not a java programmer, and I’m also using NetBeans.

Most of the things I want to change are pretty straight forword and simple to find, but this pesky Plugins dialog in the Prefs section is stumping me.

I can make a change and other menu items dissapear, but never that one.

I have a 2.5.8 version I modded and got rid of it, but the code in this Beta is just a bit different.

My original post should have continued to say that the DND should actually prevent a message from arriving.

Thanks for the help from wroot and winsrev.

Ok, I fixed the Prefs window by changing the size in …sparkimpl.preference

Now just to find that darn Plugins menu item…

WOOT - I got the Plugins dialog to go bye-bye.

Simply comment out the Plugin Viewer section of the Plugin.xml file!!

Ready to rock and roll my own msi file…

Oxymoron wrote:

Hey Wroot, I’m also not a java programmer, and I’m also using NetBeans.

Most of the things I want to change are pretty straight forword and simple to find

Yeah. So maybe someone can point to me where can i find the menu captions. I mean, if i want to change a menu name, say “status message” to “Status Message”. I can find the actual functions doing that thing, but not the names.


you can find this in the language files.

If you search “show statusmessage” (or another label), you find this in “spark/src/resources/i18n/”.

cstux wrote:


you can find this in the language files.

If you search “show statusmessage” (or another label), you find this in “spark/src/resources/i18n/”.

Thanks! Yeap, logical, as Spark is a i18n project, so all titles should be translatable and not hardcoded in the source.