Blank Security settings screen in admin console

I am running wildfire 2.6.2 on tomcat 5.5 + mysql 4.1.11 on a windows XP Pro.

I finally succeed installing wildfire as a web application from the .war file on tomcat 5.5.

I have correctly created and set the mysql database.

After running the setup

I launched the admin console with http://localhost:8080/wildfire and then created a few users.

When I test connection with spark 1.4 from a local computer, authenticating failed (user or bad password), double checked the password. everything is ok.

I then decided to check the security settings, went back to the admin console and clic on “security settings” menu… then a blank web page appear !!!

I suppose I missed something in the SSL configuration, but what ?

Thank you for your help

It’'s now working.

In fact I made a mistake when unzipping the wildfire home folder, i use the sources.

I downloaded the .zip file and copy paste all files inside may wildfirehome and now everything is working fine.

Sorry for this post. perhaps it will help some beginers such as me