Branded Spark (Need a Developer)

Hi all,

I have tried several times unsuccessfully to create a custom branded version of spark. I Would be willing to pay for somebody to build me one, All i need is a PC version with a installer. and a Mac version. I would provide all the images. If your interested please Message me with your price so we can talk further.




I am ready to work in spark can u give some other detail like (Requirement,which version of spark u want build like that )…



How can I contact you? I want to give you some more information about my project and stuff.


Thanks for reply…

my personal email id is

u can send those detaill to my email id…

Cool, I sent you an email with some more information. Do you have a Jabber account that we can talk?

Hey, can I get in on this action as well? lol

I simply want to create a version of the client with a different login picture and to remove some options from the home screen. I’ve read through the tutorials here, but they all seem to assume some knowledge of java development. If someone could lend me a hand in creating a custom client or point me to a more Spark for Dummies tutorial that shows how to "brand’ items from start to finish I would owe you a donut!.

This doc has the info needed to do a basic branding:

Hi @Shawn

I am ready to work in spark