Broadcast Plugin - Disable messages to Admins?

Hi, we are playing with the OpenFire broadcast plugin

I am an admin on the system and I keep getting notified when any users make any broadcasts. We are Administrators on the chat server, but it doesn’t mean we should have permission to read everyone’s broadcasts. Sometimes the higher ups want to broadcast a message to the other “higher up” groups, and I am able to view all the messages.

Is there any way to disable the default option where administrators receive every broadcast notification as if they are part of that group?

Hopefully this is possible. Thanks

Wow, this really isn’t possible? I am bumping this because this should be an option and I have trouble believing it isnt.

Need more details. What client are you and your users using? How exactly do you send broadcasts from the client you use. Do you get notified about broadcasts in your client or in the Admin Console? Are you logged in the client with username admin? Or maybe you have added your username to openfire/conf/openfire.xml as administrative user?

Actually i can’t reproduce this with the Broadcast plugin or think of a way how this can happen so far.

Hi wroot,

Sorry about that.

We are all using Pidgin. We are also using the Broadcast Plugin by OpenFire. We know that Spark has a built in broadcast thing, but we are not using that.

User A sends a broadcast to the Finance group using (I am NOT in the finance group, although I am an OpenFire administrator)

All users within the Finance group recieve the message. All other NON admin users who are not part of the group do NOT receive anything. Me and my Administrator colleague do in fact receieve every one as if the person directed the message specifically to us.(Not through admin console…but through Pidgin.)

It doesn’t matter if it’s or, or any group. If it’s a broadcast, I will get it.

We enjoy openfire and we have been thinking of hooking our Zenoss up to it so we could make triggers that would broadcast alerts to certain groups based on certain events. But I feel like we will need to scrap this sweet idea if we can’t figure out how to stop the Admins from getting all broadcasts. I am an admin, butsome of that information should not be read by me or my colleague.

Thanks wroot

So, you are sending a broadcast via Buddies > New Instant Message menu in Pidgin? Then you enter groupname@broadcast.servername and then put the message and hit Enter?

You are logged in Pidgin with the user which is added to Openfire administrators via System Properties or by directly editing openfire.xml or maybe with the built-in admin user?

I have tested those various scenarios with Pidgin sending broadcasts and logged in in another Pidgin with an administrative user, which is not a member of a group a broadcast is been sent to, and i still can’t reproduce your issue.

Hi wroot,

Yeah that’s the exact method we are using. Buddies -> New Instant Message -> and it will appear to everyone in the Finance group and also the administrators.

My account(not the built in openfire one) is a system administrator, yeah. Same with my colleague. I am going to bring openfire up VMWare and try this stuff again. I wonder if the plugin is just bugged out right now and needs a reinstall.

I guess I could remove my account as an administrator and create some “openfire_admin” user that will only be used to manage the web console. I guess there are always ways around it, but I just thought it was normal behavior to send to all admins.