BUG: bin/extra/wildfired startup script

In 3.1.0 beta 2, the unix startup scripts are broken in a few different ways.

  1. extra/wildfired still expects bin/wildfire, not bin/wildfire.sh

  2. extra/wildfired is normally called with either start or stop as a parameter. The new bin/wildfire.sh doesn’‘t handle command line parameters. There doesn’‘t seem to be a good way to shut down wildfire from the script. I can’'t use the old script from beta 1, because it seems to be looking for install4j, which has been taken out.



Ack. The state of the unix scripts is just not great at the moment. We’‘re still using install4J to generate a “wildfire” script, but I don’‘t think it’‘s all that great. Plus, there are some builds where we aren’'t using the install4j version (hence, wildfire.sh). It would be really awesome for someone with suitable skills to help out. My goal would be to improve the .sh script so that we can get rid of the install4j version. If Gato or I knew how to do this, it would already have been done.



Hi Matt,

I did post more than once a very simple start script and it’'s now also in the Wiki.

One may want to add a few lines like “JAVA_HOME=” and “WILDFIRE_HOME=” and a case section so one can stop Wildfire.

On this page is also a rc script which just works.

So I can just hope that this helps (:


I got something working today that, while not all that elegant, is working pretty nicely. I haven’‘t tested it on reboot, but I added it using update-rc.d on my Ubuntu install, so it should run fine on boot. Here’'s what I did:

  1. Compile an SVN version of wildfire simply to retrieve the wildfire.sh scripts from the $WILDFIRE_SRC/target/releases/wildfire/bin/ directory.

  2. Change the export WILDFIRE_HOME= and the export WILDFIRE_HOME= in $WILDFIRE_SRC/target/releases/wildfire/bin/extras/wildfired to reflect values appropriate to your installation.

  3. Change the stop case in the $WILDFIRE_SRC/target/releases/wildfire/bin/extras/wildfired from: execCommand “start” to pkill -u $WILDFIRE_USER java

I may have missed something, but this is mostly it.


I’'m working on Fedora 5 and WildFire 3.1.1

I noticed that the user jive has a valid shell configured in passwd

While this is a security problem it is obviously needed by su in the redhat startup script. There is a way around it, though.

All that needs to be done is change the body of the function execCommand to this:

runuser -s /bin/bash - jive -c “$WILDFIRE_HOME/bin/wildfire $1”

sleep 1

and with that, you no longer need a valid shell for this user; you can change it to /sbin/nologin.

That’'s the way it is done in most other startup scripts.

Hope this helps,
