Can not find any sulotion for voice call

Continuing the discussion from Voice call not working with media proxy:

I post 3 posts about the problem of a voice call in a local network with VLAN [client not accessible from each other]
and search many hours about this problem that not work with media proxy or jingle node and many people ask for this problem buy no one in this forum response any solution for this problem
I reading many posts and Openfire documentation this problem work with media proxy but not work and jingle node install but not show on tabs !!!

anyone can help or I need to change my XMPP server

The media proxy in openfire was developed before jingle because a standard. The only client it might support will be Spark. Jingle nodes plugin is no more maintained and will probably not work in Openfire 4.x.x. Yes, you might be better off using an XMPP server that supports you VOIP client better

any other suggestion except change server ???:confused::expressionless: