Can spark be run via a browser

Hi Guys,

Well it’'s all going well. I am dynamically creating the jnlp file depending upon who has logged into my intranet, so they log in to spark automatically.

The start_chat_jid is still causing me a problem, as described before, it kills the current connection and starts a whole new spark session.

There is a spark issue for this

I am hoping this is fixed for the 1.2 release.

As an alternative, I tried using the xmpp::// protocol. But this only seems to work if you have spark locally installed on your machine and not running from java webstart.



a bit disappointmet to my expectation.


Hi wmhtet,

as the subject says “Can spark be run via a browser?” you have two options: WebStart or applet. All WebStart files are cached (if you didn’‘t tweak the default unlimited cache size) so you’'ll download them only once. Other cool WebStart applications are StackTrace and Jake2 (Java-Quake2).