Candy as fastpath agent client?


I have openfire with fastpath and ofmeet plugins installed and configured, and am able to use fastpath queue using Spark or the Pade extension for Chrome. Those aren’t good fits for our environment, though. I’ve read in the ofmeet readme/notes that it’s bundled with a Candy client that is fastpath-queue aware - but when I sign in to the workgroup JID at https://hostname:7443/ofmeet/candy.html it just creates an ad-hoc meeting at that URL.

Am I doing something wrong or has that functionality been removed?



I am curious to know why a browser extension (Chrome or Edge) is not a good fit for your environment.

There are a few reasons we’ve standardized on one browser (that’s neither Chrome nor Edge). That’s not really unusual.

Can you answer to my question about Candy, though?

I don’t use or support candy any more. It has critical vulnerabilities

I would also recomend you read this - Fastpath Openfire plugin 4.5.0 Beta Release

You can use Firefox or whatever standardised browser you have chosen with it as both agent an visitor without spark or pade.

Glad to know about the Candy vulnerability and thank you for that Fastpath plugin update, I look forward to trying it out!

(edit while reading README) - it says any XMPP client can now be an agent client? That’s even better.

Wow, why do we still provide it as a plugin then?



I got it working with users and agents on XMPP clients, thank you!!

One more general Fastpath question: The questions a user is prompted for before being put in queue - is there any way to make that available to the agent?