Cannot access Openfire from anything except loopback

I have a production installation, all clients are able to communicate with the server (client - Spark / server - Openfire). Since as far back as I can remember, I have only ever been able to access the admin console from a ssh tunnel or from the local loopback address. Today, I have to tunnel to the jabber server, and setup a port foward to 9090, accessing the server from a web-browser at http://localhost:9090 .

I am trying to get to the admin interface using the FQDN on port 9090, so No luck…

I am equally interested in getting to so I can use the Redfire plugin.

I have confirmed it’s not a firewall issue. I can see the request hitting the server using tcpdump, but am getting no response…

grumble… my apologies…

Another admin had added a host based firewall some time ago, limiting the traffic to just 5222. That admin has been sufficiently whipped and redfire is working like a champ…