Cannot enter admin anymore. Changed Server name

Plus Spark is down since it can’t find the server. Openfire is running. just can’t access it anymore.

Ok, I probably shot myself in the foot. this is what I did. I renamed the server in the admin module. saved it. I then thought to myself that they may have not been a good idea. so i changed it back the way it was. saved it again. I noticed the warning said the server needed to be restarted to see the change. I did not stop/restart at that time. My server rebooted with updates early this morning and now i can no longer access the admin console. Where is the server name stored so I can check that I typed in the correct server name.


When I restart the server, the admin console is not available immediately, I must wait couple of minutes before to access to it.

Not the case here server’s been back up for hours. thanks.

look into the database. the admin account (with the old server) is noted in one of ofProperties


Found ofproperties and under name field is admin.authorizedeJIDS but nothing else to indicate the server name

In the table ofpubsubaffiliation the field “jid” the computer name is there but it is the original name the one I want.

This is the error I get when trying to run admin:

any Clue???

2010.10.14 11:14:30 [org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer.initModules(
] Internal server error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal JID: e363260-126475

Hi Tom,

the server name is in the ofproperty table, there you should find xmpp.domain=servername

Which database are you using? A simple way to change the server name is to export the contents to a text file and then import them again.


THANKS. the value xmpp.domain was blank so I added the server name and I am back up and Running.