Cannot save personal groups

Just installed a Wildfire server, and have a group that I created on the server that gets presented to everyone. However, I’'m using the Exodus client, and I try to create a personal group and when I exit and log back in, the personal group I created is gone.

Is it because I have the group that I created on the server that gets presented to everyone login, or do I disable this group and let everyone create their own personal groups with the client?



You need to add users to the personal group for it to be persisted to the server, are you adding users to the personal group you are creating?



Alex, yes, I am adding users to the personal group I am creating. The point is, once I exit/log off, and come back in, the group is gone.

Can you open up the debugger and post the traffic coming and going from the server as you add the contacts?



Hmm, the debugger, trying to locate it within the admin gui.

I’'m sorry I meant the debugger in exodus. It is either F11 or F12 I believe.

