Can''t Launch Spark

I have Spark IM software 1.1.4 and haven’'t been able to launch it onm my pc for a few days. I unistalled it and when trying to reinstall, I get an error from the setup saying : C\programfiles\spark\lilb\windows\modembed.exe , could not create this file " and after it asks me if I want it to try agian I clcik yes and it fails again, so I bypassed that and it failed to create another file as well : c\programfiles\spark\lilb\windows\tray.dll, and it finished the installation but still not launching the application. I tried to install the 2.0.7 release as well and it faied on creating this mozembed.exe also. has anyone seen this ? I have windows xp pro with sp2


Message was edited by: Ali.A

Check your permissions on the folder…

Also after uninstalling delete the entire spark folder under program files.

Somewhere along the line it’'s lost permissions to right either due to settings set for the folder or a file is set to read-only and cannot overwrite.