Can't login to SparkWeb

I’ve got OpenFire 3.6.4 on Windows Server 2008. Current users are using their XMPP IM client of choice and its all working.

I downloaded SparkWeb and copied the folder to /openfire/plugins/admin/webapp folder per the SparkWeb HOW-TO document. Here’s the problem:

Users can launch and view the SparkWeb login page but cannot login

I search the site and couldn’t really find any documentation or posts that were any help. I’ve edited the HTML file and our server name appears Under the Server field on the login page. We enter our username and passwords but the page just refreshes and brings us back to the login page. No error message come up.

What am I missing here? Does SparkWeb not recognize that we’re using Active Directory Authentication and not pulling the user list?

This can be a firewall issue (check Firewalls part in that How-to).

Checked out the Firewall HOW TO and everything checks out fine on our end.

We’re going to put Sparkweb aside for now and revisit it at a later time.

Thanks for the input.