Cant seem to uninstall on centos

I -e the rpm … and it says it’s gone … but when I reinstall, it gives me the old admin loggin - and not the settup screen, there were issues on the original onstal, so I just wanted a fresh one … how do I completely uninstall on centos - so that I can start from scratch??

It installs into /opt/openfire, and uses a database instance (assuming you’ve used mysql) try :

rm -r /opt/openfire

mysqladmin drop <old_openfire_db>

Well - did all that … the openfire directory is gone … but it apparently didnt get rid of jetty … when I go to 9090, I get a jetty 404 - not found error . and when I try to reinstall the rpm, it gives me a loggin screen - and not the settup. I’m pullin my hair out here - lol.

Jetty is running on the pid list? Try killing the java processes.