Certificate hostname verification failed

Boa tarde,
Eu acabei de instalar o Openfire 4.6.2 em um servidor Linux Fedora 33 e o Spark 2.9.4 em um Windows 10.
Ao realizar o login no Spark é apresentada a seguinte mensagem: Certificate hostname verification failed.


agora em 2022 ainda continua assim. Tu precisa desabilitar o certificado quando abre o spark → avançado → security → disable.

This is not a bug, this is a problem in the configuration of your environment.

This warning means that your XMPP server (Openfire) is configured to use a TLS certificate that does not cover the XMPP domain name.

To prevent this issue, ensure that Openfire is configured to use a TLS certificate that covers (through its subject, or subject alternative names):

  • the XMPP domain name (eg: example.org)
  • the fully qualified host name of the server that is running openfire (eg: myserver.infra.example.com)
  • ideally, subdomains of the XMPP domain name (eg: *.example.org), but at least the ‘conference’ subdomain.

Finally, the certificate needs to be signed by an issuer that is trusted by Spark: these certificate authorities are included with Spark, but can be customized.

Nevermind! I fixed it by checking Use direct TLS method!

Is there a way to disable this directly on the openfire server?
