Change smack


Warm Greeting.

Before everything I thank for the book that I have won. it wanted to have contact with the people who made changes to smack so that she works with J2ME since I want to work with PersonalJava and I have not been able to do this.

Thanks beforehand.

Hola Ronald,

You can follow these links to learn how to run Smack in J2ME (CDC-PerProfile): ID=70967#70967[/url] D=67017#67017[/url]

I never run Smack on a mobile device but it seems that doing some modifications you are ready to go. These are the modifications that Iā€™'m aware of:

  1. Change the UTF-8 encoding to ISO-8859-1

  2. Remove any reference to Swing

  3. Remove the SSLXMPPConnection class


ā€“ Gato

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