Change URL Path - Jitsi Spark Plugin

Hi guys,

I need change the URL when I click in the Jitsi VideoBridge Plugin in the Spark.

Today it opens the default Url: https://Domain_name:7443/jitsi/apps/ofmeet/?r=Roomid, I need change to https://Another_domain_name:7443/jitsi/apps/jitmeet/?=Roomid.

I decompress the jar file and I change the files:, and, and I make the jar File again, but the changes don’t apply.

I know that plugin was upload, because I always change the version in the plugin.xml and when I verify the plugin, the version is changed.

What is my error? I am not Java programmer.

look for or create this file

private static File pluginsettings = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")
     + System.getProperty("file.separator")      + "Spark" + System.getProperty("file.separator")      + "");

add three properties





Creating the file in the specified path and changing the server name, it works, but now I need change the name from ofmeet to jitmeet, if I change in file doesn’t work.

Is it correct? Or I need to change in another local?
