Changing the url of the admin console?

is there a place or way to change the default address from the or what ever it it to be like or something similar?

it there a way to do this?


within a default installation Openfire binds to all available interfaces, so this should work out-of-the-box. Or you you want to disable ?


I changed the address to what interface it binds to… so the address of or whatever is what I used… in the xml file

but now when I open the admin console form the button on the GUI it still opens to or whatever it is… and it doesnt load

if I type in the it works and I can login to the page

is there a way to change the link that the button points to without recompiling? or it there a way in general to do this?

The first thought that came to mind is to install Apache (this should also be possible through IIS) and use HTTP redirect to point http://…:9090/admin to http://…/admin .

is there another way… we dont want to have to install apache


do you use the Windows version (openfire.exe) and mean the “Launch Admin” button with I open the admin console form the button on the GUI?

I think that this is how it is designed as a simple quick-start-help but Windows users will normally use openfire-service.exe to run Openfire as a service and not in foreground. I assume that this could be fixed but only as a cosmetic issue.