Chat request?

Are chat requests, or something similar, implemented in Openfire? What I mean is this scenario.

Precondition: User A does not know User B

  1. User A sends a message to User B

  2. User B recives a special message, “chat request”, that shows that User A wants to chat with User B

  3. User B accepts User As “chat request”

  4. User B recives User As message and a chat sessions between User A and User B.


  1. User A sends a message to User B

  2. User B recives a special message, “chat request”, that shows that User A wants to chat with User B

  3. User B rejects User As “chat request”

  4. The message is dropped at the server

there is a plugin called Subscription. This can make it a requirement to accept a user to add them to your roster to chat.

Hmm… not exactly what I was looking.

What my customer is looking for is a way to gather statistics on initiated conversations between users, ie conversations with at least one message from each of the users (or where user a has sent a chat request to user b and user b accepted the request to chat).

Anyways… thanks.

You may want to look at the monitoring service plugin. It has features like what you are describing.