Command line interface?


Is there such a thing as a command line interface for Openfire admin?

Eg. to be able to create users, etc. through a DOS command line?

This would be very handy.

Sorry if that is a dumb question.


There is a possibility to manage a server with commands but not via system command line prompt. This can be done with User Service plugin or Helga bot. These tools let to issue commands to a server or bot via jabber client (but this is mostly for the users management, you cant manage everything with them). Openfire administration is done only via web Admin Console, which can be accessed from a remote machine, so there is no need to have a GUI on a server.

I have not seen a command-line interface to administer Openfire, but Openfire does support a subset of the Ad-hoc commands for Service Administration. The full recommended list of ad-hoc commands can be found here:

You could write a command-line client in Java using the Smack library, and communicate with the Openfire server using ad-hoc commands.

Here is a list of the ad-hoc commands returned through the AdHocCommandManager.discoverCommands() method available in the Smack library:

“Get List of Active Users” node=“”/>
“Create new group” node=“”/>
“System administrator added” node=“”/>
“Add members or admins to a group” node=“”/>
“Group admin removed” node=“”/>
“Group admin added” node=“”/>
“Delete group” node=“”/>
“Update group configuration” node=“”/>
“Get basic statistics of the server.” node=“”/>
“VCard modified” node=“”/>
“Get Presence of Active Users” node=“”/>
“Get User Properties” node=“”/>
“Current Http Bind Status” node=“”/>
“Group member removed” node=“”/>
“Group modified” node=“”/>
“System administrator status removed” node=“”/>
“Number of Active Users” node=“”/>
“Authenticate User” node=“”/>
“Group member added” node=“”/>
“Change the share secret” node=“”/>
“Delete members or admins from a group” node=“”/>
“Number of Online Users” node=“”/>
“Get admin console info.” node=“”/>
“Group deleting” node=“”/>
“Get List of Group Members” node=“”/>
“Deleting a User” node=“”/>
“User created” node=“”/>
“Number of Connected User Sessions” node=“”/>
“Change User Password” node=“”/>
“Add a User” node=“”/>
“New nonce” node=“”/>
“Get List of Existing Groups” node=“”/>
“VCard created” node=“”/>
“Deleting a VCard” node=“”/>
“User modified” node=“”/>