Como atualizar do 3.6.4 para 3.10.3 sem perder a base de dados - How update from 3.6.4 to 3.10.3

Olá, como posso atualizar meu openfire sem perder a base de dados? Fiz um teste há uns meses atrás atualizando do 3.6.4 para o 3.10.1, o qual tinha um bug, então excluí o clone da máquina virtual de teste que havia feito e continuei com o 3.6.4, mas agora preciso atualizar mesmo. Meu openfire está em /opt/openfire


Hi, how can i update my openfire without lose the database? I’ve made a test months ago updating from 3.6.4 to 3.10.1 which have a bug, then i delete the clone virtual machine and since that i’ve been using the 3.6.4, but now i really need to update. (sorry for bad english). My openfire is in /opt/openfire

If you are using the default database just backup your entire /opt/openfire folder, that will keep a copy of the database.

If you are using another database (mysql, postgresql,etc) then search for the procedures of backup given by those specific database.

Then you could proceed with the upgrade

Here the steps

Openfire: Upgrade Guide