Compiling webchat plugin


I downloaded the webchat source ( svn co webchat ) and make some changes on *.jsp files to better support to my language (pt_BR)

I’m not a java programmer and not have good experience with java… So, how can I compiling webchat plugin?

I tried to use ANT : ant -f build/build.xml

But I get the error :

Buildfile: build/build.xml





/tmp/webchat/build/build.xml:74: The following error occurred while executing this line:

/tmp/webchat/build/build.xml:252: Must point to Openfire CVS project root directory (openfire.home)

I don’t have openfire source , because I want to compile only webchat plugin… How can I do this?

Any help appreciate…

is there a build.xml for this file?

from what i see, you must have openfire in the same directory with webchat. I am using Eclipse and I have downloaded the source files for openfire and the webchat buil ran fine.

try to install openfire in the same dir as webchat, and run the build.xml again. When installing openfire, pls name the instalation dir “openfire”.

This is because in webchat build.xml there is a line that sets the property openfire home to the same dir as webchat. Let’s say tha you have c:\foo\webchat, $basedir = c:\foo\webchat from here, you see that openfire.home will point to c:\foo\openfire.

If the trick with installing openfire to that dir does’n work, try this:

get the openfire sources , the run the openfire build.xml file. In that openfire dir, a new dir must appear it is called target. In the target dir, there will be an openfire dir. Copy opefire dir to c:\foo\ then try again.

Hope this helps.

That is not it. It is all in the same directory. I am trying to find the build.xml file for the webchat.war file so when I make javascript changes it works.

After you download the sources, make the changes. The build.xml is in the build directory.

What IDE are you using?

As I said, I used Eclipse Ganymede. Just went to the buidl dir, right click on build.xml -> Run As -> Run As Ant Script

Went just fine.

If you want, please be more specific about your situation.

This reply has been intended for you but by mistake I have replyed to another user. Sorry.

From what i see, you must have openfire in the same directory with webchat. I am using Eclipse and I have downloaded the source files for openfire and the webchat buil ran fine.

try to install openfire in the same dir as webchat, and run the build.xml again. When installing openfire, pls name the instalation dir “openfire”.

This is because in webchat build.xml there is a line that sets the property openfire home to the same dir as webchat. Let’s say tha you have c:\foo\webchat, $basedir = c:\foo\webchat from here, you see that openfire.home will point to c:\foo\openfire.

If the trick with installing openfire to that dir does’n work, try this:

get the openfire sources , the run the openfire build.xml file. In that openfire dir, a new dir must appear it is called target. In the target dir, there will be an openfire dir. Copy opefire dir to c:\foo\ then try again.

Hope this helps.