Concurrent user Vs Hardware specification

Hardware recommended Vs the Concurrent User

Regarding i use CPU :dual core 3.0GHz processor ,2 GB of RAM, HD:80 GB
Java memory configuration “ INSTALL4J_ADD_VM_PARAMS="-Xms512m -Xmx102”. So actually this specification is able to hold 500-10000 users in one IM server but why does my IM server can hold just 700 online users in one session ( but I can add user account up to 1000+ in my IM Server). So I wonder in this word “Concurrent user”. Is it a number of users that I can add to my IM Server or the number of users that can be online in one session . Please share your suggestion. Thank in advanced

Sorry for my English ”

Is it a number of users that I can add to my IM Server or the number of users that can be online in one session.
It’s the number of users that can be online at the same time.

See this document for hardware requirements:

These specifications do dependent on which other applications are running on your server. E.g. transports take a lot of memory. Possibly you need to adjust Java memory settings. Have you really set Java maximum memory to 102 Mb, or is this just a copy&paste error?