Hi we have implemented ssl on our ejabbered server. After that it is not connecting with server and getting this exception in android -
closed with error
org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException$SmackMessageException: Parser got END_DOCUMENT event. This could happen e.g. if the server closed the connection without sending a closing stream element
I am unable to find out any solution. Please help.
This seems to be the server (or network?) very abruptly closing the network connection. I suggest to try and find out why that happens. Look at the log files of the server, which might contain a clue.
But its working fine for iOS and web portal. the log which i have mentioned in the post is the only one which i am getting. There is no proper information what is the issue.
No logs are being printed on server log file. but if i add certificate in app and use that certificate with setSocektFactory then it is connecting with the server without any issue but the issue with the certificate is that i will be required to change the certificate whenever the existing certificate gets expired.