Connection.connect(); deprecated, or something else?

Hello all,

I’'ve recently been getting really into the wildfire server and spark client. At work I am being asked to create a simple client for our site.

I have just started working with smack, but I am hitting a bit of a wall already… I have read the “Getting Started With Smack” and I am following it closely… now for some reason, it doesn’'t look like the connect method exists in the XMPPConnection object…



XMPPConnection connection = new XMPPConnection(server);



catch(Exception e)




That is my code… and connect() is underlined as if it is an error with “the method connect is undefined for the type XMPPConnection” as the description.

Now I know this has got to be something simple (yes I have imported the XMPPConnection object) but I can’'t figure it out, and being so new to this stuff, I could really use a hand… anything you can give me would be a great help!

Thanks a lot!


Okay I got it… looks like connect() was deprecated… Don’'t wanna sound rude, but someone might want to look at the Getting Started section?

Message was edited by: dewey

Got it, but the “getting started” document isn’'t good anymore…

Hi dewey,

The connection() method was added in Smack 3.0.

Check the last version at the SVN

What Smack version are you using?




I am using 2.2.1… That was the one on the download page so I figured it was the most stable release… what’'s my best option?

Sorry for all the confusion, I am brand new to this stuff and well… it’'s confusing me :S

You may be seeing the documentation of 3.x. In previous versions the XMPPConnection.connect() did not exist, the connection was established when you create the connection new XMPPConnection(server);

There are lots of nice changes in 3.x. I recommend you Smack 3.x.

