Connection error connecting from another computer

Oh, yeah, your server’s IP is actually 2.190, not 2.1. I looked at the wrong line (hard to check screenshots on mobile).

So, then you are fine and can use the same on other PCs.

You can also try enabling firewall again on PC with Openfire and see if this still works. If not, you need to add an incoming connection rule for TCP 5222 port, and maybe also for 9090 and 9091 for administration. But i suspect this can be too complicated for you and it would be easier to leave firewall open, although less secure.

sir, This is my IP address thats why it is working , but when i try in other computer by putting it is not working

What does
Show on the second PC?


What does
Show on the second PC?


Let see openfire is disabled


Java Memory \ 1x8 \ 1x8 47.87 MB of 887.50 MB (5.4%) used

How to increase size of java memory

You don’t need to increase Java memory and this has nothing to do with your problem. You also are clueless about firewall and you better remove these rules you have created and don’t touch it anymore. I don’t have anything else to suggest. Ping is working, so your second PC can reach first PC with Openfire, but it can’t connect to Openfire itself. As i’ve said, i suspect your internet provider is doing something with the traffic in your local network, but i don’t know what.

You can try Pidgin or Gajim. They are also XMPP clients, just like Spark and usually they should connect to Openfire, but i suspect they will fail also. But who knows. Maybe one of them will work.

Thanks for your help

Done spark chat

i need to increase java memory

Can you explain why do you think you need to increase java memory?

Java Memory : 71.27 MB of 887.50 MB (8.0%) used

because if it is reached 887.50 MB… It might be will not work

This is normal. You don’t need to increase it.

if when it reached 887.50 mb, maybe openfire will not work?

Is it right?

No. It will be changing all the time. It will go up and then down and so on. This is how Java works.

ok thanks a lot