Connection error connecting from another computer

I’m not going to explain such basing Windows things. Google…

Optionally you can also install Terminal Client feature on this PC and try in cmd:
telnet 5222

Again, if you don’t know what is telnet or how to install features, google. This forum is for help to use Openfire and Spark, not to teach how to do basic administrative tasks.

sir, don’t get angry
doing it
Going to put in CMD telnet 5222

I’m not angry. I’m rather amused how IT is handled in your company :upside_down_face:

Sir this is network related works, how will i know network related work

i am web dveloper, thats why i am asking you again by again network related issue

‘telnet’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

This message is showing, please help

Connecting To…Could not open connection to the host, on port 5222: Connect failed

This message is showing

That is what amusing/weird. Web developers shouldn’t be doing such things.

Try disabling firewall.

sir, i disabled the firewall


sir, :cry:still it is not working

Have you disabled it on PC with Openfire?

yes sir
i have disabled it my pc

sir, according to your instruction i did set all setting still spark chat is not opening in another system.

showing the error
can’t connect server

sir, are you busy?

sir, According to your instruction i have done all these things
still it is not working

Don’t post so many similar messages. If I’m not replying I’m either busy (I’m on my day job currently) or don’t know what to suggest. If you keep spamming like that you will just annoy everyone and nobody will reply.

If disabling firewall on the PC where Openfire is installed doesn’t help, then something else might be blocking traffic to 5222 port, but i don’t know what. Maybe some antivirus you have or it is blocked in the network device of your internet provider. I don’t have any other suggestions. You will need some network engineer working on site to troubleshoot this.

sir, Good morning

May be some antivirus you have or it is blocked in the network device of your internet provider.

I have no antivirus

Any other way to resolve this problem

I have no ideas either.

You can try installing Openfire on another PC and see if you can reach it, but i’m guessing you will have the same issue. You can also try some other client than Spark, say Pidgin or Gajim.

if i install Pidgin… Is it connected to openfire

Sir, when i try to login spark chat with putting, it is working well.

but when i put in the host name, it is not working.