Connection Manager Configuration

I am trying to get the connection manager working with the Openfire Server. The way I have setup and gotten it working is as follows.

Clients addressed as and connect to the XMPP Server through the Connection Manager and talk to each other.

Is this configuration correct ? If I have 2 XMPP servers, can I set them up for Server 2 Server connections using domain names ( and since the server names match ?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Is this configuration correct ?

That is correct as I understood it. BTW, I’d rather call a hostname where you run Openfire, instead of an XMPP Server Domain Name because the later implies, i.e. the “Server Name”.

If I have 2 XMPP servers, can I set them up for Server 2 Server connections using domain names ( and since the server names match ?

I’m assuming that this setup has nothing to do with the above.

An S2S setup requires different the server names. xmpp1 and xmpp2 do not match, so they qualify for an S2S setup. Also, if you may be wondering, S2S has nothing to do with a connection manager in that sense.

If you’re looking for multiple servers having the same server name, then it is not possible with the open source version of Openfire. This (so called) clustering setup is (or would be, I’m not sure) possible with the Enterprise version of Openfire.

You might also want to read Server To Server HowTo’s.

Thanks for your response. I didnt know clustering wasnt available in the free version.

Also, you are right that “” is the hostname.