Connection Problems

I’'ve been reading others posts particularly on connection problems but none of them have seemed to solve my problem. Here is a version of my code:

try {

org.jivesoftware.smack.SSLXMPPConnection thisConn = new org.jivesoftware.smack.SSLXMPPConnection(“server”);

// thisConn.login(“login”, “pass”);


catch (Exception ex) {




The error I’'m getting says:

org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException: Connection failed. No response from server. at org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketReader.startup(…

What could be my problem? Why is the server unable to complete the connection? I’'ve tried hitting and Please help.


You may be behind a firewall that won’'t allow you to make connections over ports 5222 (normal XMPP) or 5223 (SSL XMPP). You could test this by trying to use a standard XMPP client such as Exodus from the same network.



I actually have a client (Miranda) that has no problem connecting. Is there anything that can possibly be missing from my code or is there a library that I need to import? Thanks.



If you are trying to connect to the problem could be that is using an expired certificate. Smack by default won’'t let you establish a connection using an expired certificate.

You can point your browser to in order to inspect the certificate.

The SSLXMPPConnection class uses a DummyTrustManager which accepts certificates without any validation except date validation. A quick solution could be to modify the #isServerTrusted method in order to accept invalid certificates (if this is your case).


– Gato