I’ve been running 2.5.8 under Windows for a while now with no problem, I am subscribed to a few gateways, all but yahoo work as they should most of the time, then I began to use the sparkweb client with no problems either. A few days ago I began to connect to my openfire server using windows mobile xmpp applicaitons, such as PIGEON! and IM+, the next day when i connected to openfire via the Windows Spark client my contact list wouldn’t load and while my presence in Spark showed me online, in the server web admin page I saw my connection appaear as offline and it only changes to online if i force status changes in the client. I have un/reinstalled the client a few times, removed the client data off my client and used a different client on a different machine with the same results, sparkweb still functions as normal. What could this be? Maybe I need to delete some data off the mysql db? I am now using Spark 2.6.0 beta 2 with the same results. Also I am authenticating via LDAP to a 2008 AD server, my other users that connect the same way do not experience this behavior.
Thanks in advance.