Conversation history inconsistent - v. 2.5.8

Hello all,

I’m curious to see if anyone else is having this issue:

If you go to view conversation history, it seems to glitch sometimes and not show days…weeks at a time. Some times it will repeat a portion of what you said many times over and over again…

It would be nice to have chat history show exactly what has been said over a certain period of time. Doesn’t seem like to much to ask.

The reason I’m still on 2.5.8 is because 2.6.3 seems to lag with integrated Nagios Alerts.

Any help would be great. Thanks.


Update to Openfire 3.8.X

We are currently on 3.6.4. Upgrading to 3.8 is known to fix this issue?

I never had an issue running the plugin on 3.6.X, but running the most recent version of the plug in on that old version of the server may be the issue. Upgrading isnt that much of an issue if you just export your user list.