Create self signed certificate


I am trying to generate a self signed certificate in my docker container.

I added the following lines to the file from the github repository:

initialize_certificates() {
  echo "Initializing certificates"

  cd ${OPENFIRE_DATA_DIR}/conf/security

  keytool -genkey -keystore keystore -storepass changeit -dname "cn=${OPENFIRE_COMMON_NAME}, ou=IT, o=${OPENFIRE_COMMON_NAME}, c=DE" -alias ${OPENFIRE_DOMAIN} -keypass changeit

(and of course the function is called)

So far it works, but when I open the admin console the status is set to “Pending Verification”. Is there something else I have to do?

I found it. It works with the following code:

initialize_certificates() {
  echo "Initializing certificates"

  cd ${OPENFIRE_DATA_DIR}/conf/security

  keytool -genkeypair -keystore keystore -storepass changeit -dname "cn=${OPENFIRE_DOMAIN}" -alias ${OPENFIRE_DOMAIN}_DSA -keypass changeit -keyalg DSA
  keytool -genkeypair -keystore keystore -storepass changeit -dname "cn=${OPENFIRE_DOMAIN}" -alias ${OPENFIRE_DOMAIN}_RSA -keypass changeit -keyalg RSA