Create users with commands and passwords policies

1- Is posible create users (local users) with commands running scripts?

2- We also need to implement policies for passwords. Is that possible?


@1.: You can create users using HTTP-requests, when using the registration plugin

@2.: You mean policies to ensure strong passwords? Yes, but you will need to write an plugin for that.Take WebReg as example.

For 1 & 2: I suggest you take a look on the WebReg plugin, and modify it for your needs.

I have used “User Service” to create, modify and delete users. It´s perfect.

But there isn´t nothing for password change polices…


But there isn´t nothing for password change polices…

You will need to write a plugin for that. Thats a start, it does only warn the user, but does not change anything.

public class PasswordEventListener implements UserEventListener {         public void userCreated(User user, Map<String,Object> params) {
            /* ignore */
             public void userDeleting(User user, Map<String,Object> params) {
            /* ignore */
             public void userModified(User user, Map<String,Object> params) {
            Object object = params.get("type");
            if (!(object instanceof String)) {
            String type = (String)object;
            if ("passwordModified".equals(type)) {
        }         private void sendMessage(String to, String body) {             Message packet = new Message();             packet.setType(;             packet.setFrom(serverAddress);             packet.setTo(to);             packet.setBody(body);             packetRouter.route(packet);
  // XMPPServer.getInstance().getPacketRouter();
        }                  private void checkPassword(User user) {             String username = user.getUsername();             String password = null;             try {                 password = AuthFactory.getPassword(username);             }             catch (UserNotFoundException e) {                 Log.error(e);                 return;             }             String msg = null;             if (password == null || password.length() == 0) {                 msg = "\nWARNING: No password set!";             }             else if (password.length() > 256) {                 msg = "\nWARNING: Your password is longer than 256 symbols, thats not useful...";             }             else {
                // simply point based system, at least 3 points are required                 int points = 0;                 if (password.length() < 6)                { points -= 10; } // at least 6 symbols required                  if (password.matches(".*[a-z].*"))        { points += 1; }  // contains lowercase letters                 if (password.matches(".*[A-Z].*"))        { points += 1; }  // contains uppercase letters                 if (password.matches(".*[0-9].*"))        { points += 1; }  // contains digits                 if (password.matches(".*[^a-zA-Z0-9].*")) { points += 1; }  // contains other symbols                 if (password.length() >= 8)               { points += 1; }  // is longer than 8 symbols                 if (points < 3) {                     msg = "\nWARNING: Your password is too weak.";                 }             }             if (msg != null) {                 sendMessage(username + "@" + serverName, msg);             }         }     }