Creating MultiUserChat throws NoResponseException

Hi guys,

I am really stuck on this. I’m trying to create MultiUserChat with XMPPBOSHConnection;

Start XMPPBOSHConnection :

final AbstractXMPPConnection connection = new XMPPBOSHConnection(config);

Field hostField = AbstractXMPPConnection.class.getDeclaredField(“host”);


hostField.set(connection, host);


Log.i(“AppName”, “connection is :” + connection.isConnected());

connection.login(mData.getJID(), mData.getPassword(), "AndroidClient " + new Random().nextInt());

Start MultiUserChat :

String nickName = “igor”;

MultiUserChat muc = new MultiUserChat(connection, mData.getJID()+ “@” + host);


muc.sendConfigurationForm(new Form(Form.TYPE_SUBMIT));


After debugging I see that exception throws in MultiUserChat class:

in enter method :

// Wait up to a certain number of seconds for a reply.

Presence presence = (Presence) response.nextResultOrThrow(timeout);

In this method nextResultOrThrow result == null and I’ ve got NoResponseException ;

P result = nextResult(timeout);


if (result == null) {

throw new NoResponseException();


Any guess?

I would appreciate any help, thank you!