Custom Status Message


i would like to have on all my Spark users right after login some own status-types like “in Support call”, “out for lunch” and so on.

Is there a way i can create them on the openfire server centrally? What can i do?



You can’t create them on the server.

And i can not distribute them somehow to my colleagues so they can choose them as well? It’ s only a local install here in my company using Active Directory.

You can find a file with custom status messages here: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Spark\user\username@servername\custom_messages.xml (for Spark 2.5.8). You can copy this file for every user with some script maybe.


I am relaunching this old subject because I have the same need.

Being able to determine status type in Openfire so that it can be used on Spark Clients is a really good idea.

The user status plugin in addition to its archive function, it could also store status messages to be used by default and synchronize them at the opening of the session?

Thank you !!!

Isn’t what @wroot wrote exactly what you need?